Monday, 6 February 2012

Plenty more fish in the sea?

People are always telling me that ‘there’s plenty more fish in the sea’. But is there really? I am literally at a loss about where to do my ‘fishing’, so to speak.

Everyone seems to be quick to offer suggestions to young, single people of where to go and what to do to find a partner. One person told me recently the best way to meet someone was grocery shopping on a Friday night (apparently this is the time when singletons do their shopping because, obviously, they don't have anything better to do on a Friday night). Not one to dismiss something completely off hand without giving it a go and seeing if it works, I popped down to my local supermarket to see if there were masses of single men swarming the aisles, as I had been lead to believe by my friend.

All I can say is I'm glad I didn't spend more time getting ready before I went as it would have been a huge waste of effort. I did find some male attention but, unfortunately, it was from a grey-haired gentleman who asked me if I could reach him a tin from the top shelf. He then winked at me suggestively and I spent the rest of the shopping trip trying to hide in the aisles from him.

This isn't the only thing I have tried, like I say 'don't knock it until you've tried it'. But here are my conclusions:

Internet dating - guaranted that you will only find one of these three things: men who are only looking for one thing, weirdos and weirdos who are only looking for one thing.

Blind dates - they say that 'Love is Blind' but I wouldn't buy a car without giving it a good look and I take the same attitude towards potential dates.

Set ups by friends - always ended in disaster and left me feeling that my friends mustn't really know me that well or like me that much because I never have anything remotely in common with the date.

So I was wondering if the metaphor 'there's plenty more fish in the sea' needs to be adapted to the modern day. Just as the stock levels of fish around the world are dwindling due to over fishing, are the stock levels of suitable men also dwindling to the point where perfectly lovely women cannot find a decent man through want of trying? If the Government are trying to protect fish stocks, why aren't they doing anything to protect me and other women like me? After all I do pay my taxes... and plenty of them!

Which is why I'm putting down my rod for a while to let the stocks top back up. In a few months, I will be getting my net out.

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